Monthly Archives:

February 2013

  • - Album Reviews

    Saratan – Martya Xwar

    I must say that I had decided to avoid disproportionate compliments (fangirl thoughts), on my reviews, but what a girl can do when she is shaken and seduced by such a…

  • Album Reviews

    My Soliloquy – The Interpreter

    Hey peeps! You know, albums come and go… We hear them, we love them, we hate them…. Some stick some don’t… Some click some just won’t…  Some we can’t talk stop…

  • Q&A With LOMM


    Hello Friends!   Today, I am with Elina Siirala, a Finnish opera singer turned melodic metal front-lady of the London based enkElination for another Q&A Session. [pullquote_right] enkElination (enkeli – meaning…

  • Album Reviews

    Affector – Harmagedon

    Affector is a progressive rock/metal band founded by German guitar player Daniel Fries and Dutch drummer Collin Leijenaar-Neal Morse/Dilemma. Bass player Mike LePond-Symphony X and vocalist Ted Leonard-Spock’s Beard/Enchant/Thought Chamber-both from…

  • Q&A With LOMM

    Amadeus Awad Interview

    Hello friends! Today, I have the brilliant Amadeus Awad here with me. He started his solo career in 2010 and already did an EP, an album, tours and now a new…

  • - Specials

    Sean Parker’s TOP 35 Albums

    With the intriguing rise in vinyl sales, and YouTube’s ‘full album’ campaign, it seems time for a best ever list. I consider the Album, an hour or so of recorded music,…

  • Album Reviews

    Incura- Incura

    I’m not going to try any clever intro, or use any sly metaphor to begin this review. I came across Incura while randomly testing new bands I came across searching the…

  • Album Reviews

    Dante – November Red

    I’ve heard this band for the first time a couple of years ago, and it was love at the first sight… I am a fan, and maybe because of that, it…