Many times before, art has crossed genres. Ayn Rand’s Anthem helped inspire 2112, Green Day’s American Idiot is an award winning musical, and The Who’s Tommy has spawned a movie, musical, and even a short lived ballet. I was ecstatic to discover that prog masters IQ have joined the fray, in the upcoming movie production of their iconic double concept album Subterrenea.
Subterrenea is the story of a man who has been contained in complete isolation for his entire life, everything taken care of for him by the Provider. And then he is released, forced to live in the real world devoid of the necessary experience and mental tools that most of us take for granted. As he adapts to the real world, he slowly begins to realize that he is part of a grand social experiment of the Provider. For me, the study of different emotions from the myriad viewpoints is what makes this story great. How love to the blindly innocent differs from how those of us who have the life experience to translate and feel the emotion. Musically it is neo-prog at its best, a tremendous album that hits so many highs it will leave the listener breathless and shaking, and Peter Nichols delivers a vocal performance that tears at the soul.
Writer/director Mat Miller has been working on the project for a while, and has received full support of the band. On top of that, IQ will be composing the score for the film, and any new IQ music is always a bonus. The production company, Birdman Films has started up a Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds to begin filming, and are offering incentives ranging from t-shirts and DVD/Blue Rays of the film up to speaking roles and a live chat with the band(for the big money donors of course). The most important part, for this IQ fan at least, is to get to see this deeply moving story actualized on the big screen.
So if you’re an IQ fan and would like to see this become a reality, check out the Kickstarter link here…
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