
AudioPlastik – Dec Burke/Small Hours

Dec Burke

Jingle.boy back here for you folks.  I’ve been a little absent lately, but am going to take the mantel of owning/reviving the Mini Posts part of the webzine starting in January.  But, don’t hold me to 7 songs a week, it might only be a few.  These are gonna be short hits, hopefully a 60 or 90 second read and a variety of songs… some old, some new, some prog, some metal – I could end up all over the map on this.  We’ll see how it goes.

First up, to keep the momentum on AudioPlastik, I’m gonna give you a rundown from each member, starting with the mastermind, Dec Burke.  Hopefully you all know Frost* (if you don’t, you should feel shame), but might not know his other band, Darwin’s Radio, or his solo records – each of which has produced 2 albums; Eyes of the World (2007) and Template for a Generation (2010) for the former; Destroy All Monsters (2010) and Paradigms & Storylines (2011) for the latter.

Out of his solo effort, I offer Small Hours from Destroy All Monsters.  The individual instrumental work by all band members here is breathtaking.  Each instrument shines in their own right, but when they all come together, it’s like the perfect recipe for your favorite dessert.  Layer Dec’s voice (which I akin to a wonderfully aged 18 year old scotch… so smooth, and then it warms your soul) on top of that brilliant music, along with some beautiful harmonies, and this is a song that is in constant rotation for me.  The 90 second guitar outro is something that got stuck in my head on first listen.

Frost* fans will adore Dec’s other projects.  Prog-rock fans in general should too.  And be sure to check out his website at www.decburke.com.

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