Standing Ovation

Bio: We are a Progressive Metal band hailing from the capital area of Finland. Progressive metal is a strong word, since it’s challenging to fit our music into any mold, but that is the closest definition so far. We have been compared to bands such as System of a Down, Opeth, Porcupine Tree and Pain of Salvation. I started to put up the band in 2006 and in the end of 2010 we made our first EP which was self-published in the beginning of 2011. It stirred up interest and pretty soon we made a deal with Inverse Records, whom with we released our first full-length “The Antikythera Mechanism” in November of 2012.

Our lineup is currently as follows:

Jouni Partanen – Vocals
Johannes Kurvinen – Guitars & Backing Vocs
Petri Eskola – Keyboards & Backing Vocs
Mikko Kymäläinen – Drums
Antti Kukkonen – Guitars
Panu Nykänen – Bass

All individuals of the band have longer musical backgrounds in different forms. When the band started to shape in the beginning, there was only me and Johannes for a period of time. Pretty soon the other guys were found from inside our friends. It became almost immediately clear, that we had a working symbiosis which was pouring out great stuff.  And we had lots of fun. What better of a base would you need to get started? =)

Genre: We did not choose this genre, it chose us. =) It came automatically once we started to play and compose music. Love for metal and progressive music is the linking factor and the melting pot spits out what you now hear and see.

Evolution of the musical and thematic elements: If we are talking about the TAM-album, it’s a kind of a two part project. The initial process of the compositions started way back before the finishing of the album. Maybe 2 to 2-5 years back. Some parts and songs were even older. We had some really great songs almost ready, when the idea of the concept, or concept album came in mind. We actually almost made the decision to make a concept album, but some of the songs were so good as they were, so we decided to keep them. Now it’s a two-piece album with a bigger multi song concept and a wide variety of other songs and themes.

Lyrics, themes and concepts: The idea and main concept of the TAM-album struck like lightning one day when I was reading a science magazine on a plain. You should definitely search for “The Antikythera Mechanism” on Wiki or somewhere else. Truly one of the biggest discoveries of our time. The ideas for themes, concepts and lyrics can be influenced by anything, but usually they stem from experiences, emotions and life itself. I already have a concept in mind for the next album, but for now that will stay a secret. 😉

Ideas about the album: Let’s say, that a musician or an artist is never a 100% satisfied. =) In general, the whole band is satisfied with the album. There are no specific issues or parts that we would like to fix, but the band is striving in all aspects to get even better, both live and in the studio thus making the next albums even greater. Where I think that we nailed is the good combination of versatility, complexity and harmony. Listening to one song, the listener will surely not know what is coming next.

Reception: Overwhelming. We are very grateful and humble for the good feedback we’ve gotten from all over the world.

Preference; live or studio: Both have their perks and minuses, but if you talk about real excitement and a rush, it has to be the live performances. Being in the studio is also really great, when you know that a process of many years of work is reaching its goal.

Next step; live or studio: Currently we are doing gigs in Finland, promoting and selling more for the turn of the 2012-2013. We have always had our sight for possibilities abroad, so hopefully we will soon get the chance to play outside of Finland too. We have also started the composing of our next album and I have to say, some pretty freaky stuff is coming your way at some point. =D

Future: Fruitful and glorious, hahaha. 😉 We’ll see what happens. The direction is good and we have great energy going within the band. One reason for this is our first real mega-awesome music video which at this point is almost ready and it’s going to see daylight within a few weeks. So stay tuned!

Composers: Until this point the main structures of the songs have been composed by me and our guitar player Johannes. The songs get then finished up, when the rest of the guys spice them up with their own additions. Everybody in the band have great ideas and the making of the next album will surely be even more team work. I write the lyrics and I think that I answered it vaguely in one of the previous questions. =)

Inspirations: I think that this will always be one of the toughest questions to answer. =) We all have very mixed and different backgrounds. Making a list of all influences would just be too damn long. =D We all get inspired of good music. Usually metal, rock or progressive, sometimes something totally different.

Preference; cater to the audience or music for its own sake: Here’s multiple reasons with emphasis on both choices. Let’s say that it starts with music for its own sake, but then when you really touch someone with your music, it completes the purpose.

Greatest Accomplishment: Climbing up on official album charts is amazing and actually releasing your own work is another thing. Hearing your own music from the radio in a car is mind blowing and hazardous trafficwise. =D I don’t know if there is any specific event or something else that would rise above the rest, and we all have our individual “moments” in our history that we cherish.  In my opinion the greatest thing is that life has leaded us together. Finding the perfect guys for your band is almost like winning the lottery.

Anything else? Of course I’d like to once again promote our forthcoming video. Check it out! If you like it, share it! If you don’t like it, share it anyway! =D And wherever you are, we can’t wait to get the chance to play LIVE for you!

And have a great summer!

More about Standing Ovation can be found here or their Spotify Album Page!

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