Music News

I’ve decided on my TOP 3 SNAKEROOT songs!

Hey chaps!
I’ve decided on my TOP 3  SNAKEROOT songs! Martin is reviewing this album at the moment but having listened to it non-stop for the last two days and gotten hooked on it, I thought I’d share my top 3 songs with you 🙂

Goes like:

#1 Another Day Without End

The brilliant piece starts off with a nice mini ethnic, oriental intro where the band briefly but tastefully take advantage of their roots. The track successfully showcases the power and the beauty of Bülent Çallı‘s voice. .. clean guitar lines mix so well with the gritty-rough vocal delivery… There is an intense emotion that runs throughout this song and a li’l twist at the 1.13 minute mark where the song briefly morphs into a different form with some rap section thrown in… Nice touch!
The ethnic theme returns in the outro in a very nice form and ends the song in style!
Dang! There’s something so insanely catchy about it, and the stellar production lets the energy of the song really shine!

#2 Never Give Up

This track immediately caught my attention and got my blood pumping with the uplifting message and tone… The killer background vocals and harmonies add so much drama and emotion to the catchy-as-hell chorus during which Bülent’s phrasing is so damn impressive… He carries the song with a convincingly charming and self-confident attitude. Not to mention the astounding solo by Cenk Eroğlu! The song boasts a truly solid rhythmic treatment, too…
Whole thing feels very cohesive in its 4 minute runtime. Great song-writing! Kudos!

# Torn Apart

Starts off with a brilliant riff with a Floyd-ish flair and it’s got a brilliant pumping groove based on the main riff. It also has this monster rhythm section you’ll love as well as a resolute and unshakable stance and convincing vocal delivery. Bülent belts out the high notes in style again! The tension rises through the song and explodes in an insanely catchy chorus, right after a perfect mini guitar solo. There is an excellent dose of heaviness in this one…

If you’re looking for an album loaded with loads of memorable sing-along songs, with little to no fillers in between, great number of hooks that grab you at first listen and tons of energy, this is your album… Recommended to any hard rock fan! Well considering the fact that this genre doesn’t directly cater to my taste, this album is accessible and enjoyable to any music lover, I should say. I’m already looking forward to the follow up album and the band’s direction after this ambitious debut!

Serhan Akalın, rhythm guitarist and the mastermind behind the project, the primary composer and lyricist, _along with Bülent Çallı _ definitely set the bar high from the start and did a solid to the general quality of hard rock in Turkey!

One final note: This is my fave kind of reviewing… The one that writes itself as you listen to the album so this is saying something 😉

Snakeroot are:
Bulent Calli – lead vocals
Serhan Akalin – guitars/backing vocals
Dost Akyildiz – guitars
Ali Evcimen – bass/backing vocals
Can Turfan – drums

For more info about the band simply go to their website or 
Facebook page.. or visit my website sometime soon as I am determined to interview these guys!
Lady Obscure

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