So Archspire released another single yesterday. Well, I had no intention to review it as I am in a hectic schedule now but seriously guys, this one wrote itself out.
OMG! It is straight up amazing. A lot of us have been anticipating their new record but this song!!! I mean where to start?
First off, songwriting is still absolutely brilliant, with every second of it madly technical and most of it on mind-melting speed. I say most .. but that’s the beauty of it. But let me come back to that in a sec.
Bleed the Future actually begins with much intensity yet less… hmm how to put this.. variety.. One would think that it’s just another over-the-top tech death act. But no. Wait until you hear some charismatic lines from Jared Smith. The magic starts there and never stops. They start to throw all those interesting ideas at you! Dang I love the surprise element here.
It gets really interesting when they start to explore mid-tempo grooves and melodic passages. Those ups and downs melt your brains. Seriously those separate sections of different feels do wonders for me. That satisfying feeling when they give you a room to breathe but then bring everything back with even more insanity… Oliver Rae Aleron, Tobi Morelli, Dean Lamb and Spencer Prewett do crazy stuff altogether and create a tasteful texture to their heaviness. Masterful balance of absolute insanity and super catchy melodies.
Everything fits together amazingly well, everything is sick from the tasteful, fast-paced guitar leads to fantastic drum sound & delivery, from superb bass lines to the brilliant vocal performance. Totally impressive when a band can play like this. A musicianship that is hard to match.
My expectations were just as high as everyone else’s but hell mang, did they deliver!
Yes Archspire seem to have written the catchiest piece of extreme metal I’ve seen recently. Incredibly compelling listening experience.
Yeah want more!
Peace out.
Lady Obscure
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