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Blues Rock

  • Album Reviews

    Voodoo Circle – Whiskey Fingers

    The music of Alexander Beyrodt’s Voodoo Circle are like a pair of your favorite jeans, they are comfortable, familiar, they slip back on with ease, and are cozy as hell! The…

  • Album Reviews

    Crowsaw- Smoke and Feathers

    Traditionally blues music has been associated with the deep south of the United States, originating in African-American communities towards the end of the 19th century. The artist would sing about personal…

  • - Album Reviews

    Drenge – Drenge

    Somewhere between dredge and deranged, right? Yes, that’d be about right. Lake District brothers Rory and Eoin Loveless are frankly bored, disillusioned and nasty, though their nascent videos display a hooligan-with-a-heart…

  • - Album Reviews

    Scorpion Child- Scorpion Child

    How to describe the sound of Scorpion Child, who just released their debut album? Imagine a dingy dive bar in a working class town of Somewhere, USA. This bar has seen…